Step 1. Determine your goal(s)
First of all, it is important to determine your goal(s) when using CBD. For example, if you suffer from chronic pain, it will probably work better if you spread the daily dose of CBD over a somewhat large number of intake moments. This way you have a constant amount of CBD in your blood, which will lead to fewer complaints. This is in contrast to when you use CBD specifically for: sleep better. In that case, you can choose to take less CBD during the day and a little more in the evening. And do you want to use CBD to wake up better and feel more vital at work? Then an extra intake moment at the start of the day will be a good idea.
Step 2. Take your daily schedule and habits into account
The second step in developing a good CBD routine is to integrate CBD intake into your daily routine. For optimal operation it is very important that you take the CBD at more or less the same times every day, so it is smart to choose times when you will not easily forget. In our opinion, this works best by linking intake to habits you already have. This way it hardly takes any extra time and effort and it becomes an automatic part of your routine.
For example, do you want to take CBD in the morning? Then link taking it to a morning habit, such as breakfast. By taking CBD every time after breakfast, it becomes part of breakfast and you will not forget it so quickly. Likewise, you can take it in the afternoon with lunch and in the evening with dinner. Do you take CBD to sleep better? Then take the CBD one to two hours before you go to bed and combine it, for example, with watching TV or another evening habit.
Step 3. Choose your ideal CBD product
Next, it is good to think about the ideal product type for your lifestyle and your personal preferences. In addition to CBD oil, you can choose from a large number of products that contain CBD. Consider, among other things:
- CBD capsules
- CBD crystals
- Edibles and sweets
- Plasters with CBD
In addition, most products are also available in different strengths. Do you want to take CBD as gradually as possible? Then taking CBD oil four times a day with a relatively low dosage is a good option. Plasters are also ideal for this, because they release the CBD gradually. Would you like to consume a slightly larger amount of CBD in the morning or evening? Then CBD oils or capsules with a slightly higher dose are smart. And do you want to be able to easily take CBD in between and are you not a fan of oil and pills? Then edibles are very nice, because you can easily take them in between.
Step 4. Start taking CBD and see how it goes
After determining your goals, thinking about your daily routines and choosing your ideal one CBD product, you are all set to start with CBD. In any case, start with a small amount of CBD: we recommend 2 to 4 mg CBD per intake 4 to 6 times a day. Do this for a week and then slowly increase the dose depending on your goals and your body's response. In any case, keep this up for two to three weeks and see how it goes.
Step 5. Evaluate and adjust your routine as necessary
After two to three weeks you will know exactly how your body reacts to the CBD and how you are doing with implementing CBD into your daily routine. You will notice that your complaints have reduced and that you feel more vital and fitter. You may have noticed that taking CBD is easy for you or that you have difficulty remembering certain times to take it.
Now it is time to carefully evaluate all these points and fine-tune your routine. For example, do you notice that you sometimes forget a dose? Then see if another intake time would not be more convenient. And have you noticed that your complaints have not completely disappeared? Then try to take a little more per intake moment or increase the number of intake moments. Is everything going very well and do you feel better than ever? Then please continue on the path you are on. By making CBD part of your lifestyle as much as possible, you will find that taking CBD will eventually become a habit. This way you no longer have to think about it and taking it will happen automatically.